McElwee Management LLC

An organization dedicated to building and supporting talent based teams that drive a superior customer experience.


Great Customer Service begins and ends with great talent

"The single most important thing to remember about any enterprise is that there are no results inside its walls. The result of a business is a satisfied customer."
Peter Drucker

Welcome to McElwee Management site!

Have you ever wondered why some companies are more successful than others?  What drives that success?  Is it the people within the organization or some magic "elixir" known only to that company?  How do some companies create superior customer experiences while others just do "ok"?

Finding and keeping great talent is hard and yet it is the foundation of all successful companies.  It is this talent that then creates the culture and opportunity for that same company to create a superior customer experience.  In today's difficult and competitive environment, having the best talent to create the greatest customer experience will drive success.  Can you afford to not have this advantage over your competition?


Talent Based Organizations begin with recruiting and hiring but are maintained through support and recognition


Great Customer Experience is driven by empowered people working for organizations that prioritize the customer and what they want - not what the business wants.